Tank Autofill

Simple Tank Autofill
Not all solutions have to be difficult and complex.
We were approached by a customer to come up with a simple solution to automatically fill a wash tank after it had been drained.
The customer produces aluminium products for the HVAC industry and prior to powder coating, the products are cleaned and then washed in a series of tanks.
The wash tank is drained daily at the end of each shift as it accumulates aluminium oxide which is fed directly to the main sewer. The customer has consent to discharge.
On many occasions, the manual fill valve has been left open causing floods inside the building.
We came up with a simple solution to their problem to provide a tank autofill.

A small motorised valve was added to the pipework and a float sensor fitted to the tank. We provided a small control panel with a Green and Red LED Indicator and a push button.
When the tank is empty, pushing the button opens the valve until the tank is full, then the motorised valve is closed.
During the tank autofill, the red LED illuminates to indicate that the valve is open and water is flowing. As soon as the tank is full the valve is closed and the green LED illuminates.
With a full tank, pushing the fill button does nothing.
The system was effective and works exactly how the customer expected it to. They can now fill the wash tank without having to continually check its level and the possibility of a flood is almost removed.
A simple solution to save time and hassle.

In order to comply with the discharge permit, the site has to record how much product is discharged to the sewer.
We modified the pipework externally and fitted a 2″ water meter to the discharge pipework. We selected the meter type carefully, to avoid the internals being blocked with the aluminium oxide which is present in the effluent.
The meter is installed in such a way as it always contains water for optimum operation.
Discharge is now monitored prior to the tank autofill system being used.
Looking for a Tank Autofill system for a current or future project?
Please contact us for details.